However my children had friends that would come to our house that were very picky eaters; and simply would not eat certain foods. There are others that place restrictions on their diets based on the current trends in health foods or worse, diet fads. There are the low carbohydrates diets, raw foods, organics, the macrobiotic diets and those that allow only meats and cheese.
Orthorexia is a condition that occurs when people become so fixated on their food intake that they put their health at risk. This condition is not listed in the DSMIV but is a very real condition and a recognized symptom of an eating disorder and often accompanies anorexia.
Orthorexia describes an individual that becomes obsessed with their diet and all things diet related. This obsession begins to impact their life style in a very negative manor. The condition can take over a person's life who just wants to look good or be healthy; when the diet robs a person of proper nutrients a line is being crossed.
With society focused on proper eating and "bad foods" young people today find increasingly dwindling food options. When parents see a change in a Child's eating habits, even if it appears healthy, diligence is important. The progression of an eating disorder can be subtle and the sufferer will become secretive, this is the point where eating disorder treatment may become necessary.
Dan C's career in the addiction field spans twenty-five years. He has held positions in all phases of administration and clinical services in Treatment Facilities throughout the state of Florida. He is currently employed by