Does the Low-carbohydrate Diet Work?
With slim people filling the catwalks and the red carpet premieres in boob tubes and magazine features, it is hard not to feel the urge to also lose those pounds and be able to wear the same dress or outfit as your favorite celebrities. These kinds of media coverages are perhaps the instigators for young America to shape up and slim down.
Because of the recent emphasis on slimness and thinness, a slew of diet programs have started to saturate the market. From nowhere, diet plans such as the Atkins Diet, the South Beach diet, the Macrobiotic, the cabbage soup, the Weight Watcher's Program and a lot more, have materialized.
Despite some of the criticisms hurled at these diet programs, most of them actually work. In fact, a lot of celebrities are faithful to some of these diet plans. Some even endorse the programs. Among the most popular and the most controversial are the low carbohydrate diets because of their positive and negative aspects.
Some criticize the diet plans as something that can lead to starvation. The lessening of carbohydrates in the diet and emphasis on proteins can hurt the liver in the long run. Some also do not like the fact that most of these diet plans have prepared and pre-packed foods given to the dieters, something which people find really dubious.
Still, compared to other diets, especially those that are unstructured, low carbohydrate diets are already pretty advantageous. In fact, among the kinds of diets in the market, low carb diets are the most successful perhaps because of their rate of effectiveness. Here are some of the advantages of these low carb diets.
No starvation
Compared to other kinds of diets, especially the unofficial self-made kind, low carbohydrate diets do not starve you. You will still eat three times a day. Sometimes, you can even eat some snacks. These diets do not believe in allowing their dieters not to eat sever al days in a row. They do not even countenance skipping of meals, something that most dieters do thinking that it will make them lose weight faster.
With low carbohydrate diets, dieters are asked to forego with carbohydrate-laded foods. Examples of these are rice, corn, bread, dairy products, egg, etc. For the first part of the diet, they are only allowed to eat proteins, meat, fish and of course vegetables.
Some low-carb diets also incorporate a little bit of an exercise component. Although too much activity is also not good because of the low concentration of carbohydrates in the body, which supplies the energy, some form of exercise is also needed to improve blood circulation.
Support group
Another great thing about these low-carb diet programs is the fact that it provides its dieters a support group that will help them through their diet program. Some even provide counseling sessions especiall y to those who have to lose a lot of weight.
Pre-packed and balance meals
Most of these low carbohydrate diet programs have already prepared foods and meals that are supervised by dieticians and nutritionists. Because of this, you can be sure that what you are eating is nutritious.
Change in Lifestyle
By signing up with the program, little by little, your eating lifestyle will also change. Because you have gotten used to eating veggies, you will be craving for it even after the program.
Cancer, Diet and Global Warming With the Producer of Healing Cancer From the Inside Out
This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at In this excerpt, Mike Anderson shares on cancer, diet and global warming.
Renegade Water Secrets with Mike Anderson, is a medical researcher, author of The Rave Diet and film maker/producer of "Eating" and "Healing Cancer from the Inside Out."
Kevin: So, Mike. If all this stuff isn't working, what is?
Mike: Food. I site some studies in the film... the Office of Technology Assessment funded the Gerson Therapy. It beat the pants off conventional treatments. This was in different stages of melanoma. It just beat the pants off of conventional treatments. They don't like these studies. They don't want to fund them. It's very hard.
Macrobiotics went in front of the NIH, National Institute of Health and they tried to get funding because they presented six terminal cases, cancer case s, where the cancers were totally reversed. They were all biopsied and they were all confirmed and everything. Now, wouldn't you think that people should be interested in this? That they should fund more studies? No, they can't get any money for anymore funding for any.
You know allopathic medicine doesn't, their history is to shut down any nutritional approach because they are so threatened by it. Even, this was around the turn of the century, 2001 or so. It's on the website, the Sushi Institute. Anyway, they're totally threatened because it does work. It is more effective. Instead of destroying the body, you're trying to build it up.
I specifically included Macrobiotics because they have a long history, 100- year history. In fact, the founder of Macrobiotics reversed cancer. But they have a long history of reversing cancers. So I look at Macrobiotics and that's almost 100% cooked. Then I look at raw, and that's 100% raw, uncooked. And I think the bottom line here is that, the common ground is that they are all plant-based, 100% plant-based. They are all organic. Organic is very, very important because organic food is much higher in micronutrients, the anti-oxidant families. Those are the ones that are going to fight cancer effectively. It's a whole-foods organic diet and that's it. Whether it's raw or whether it's cooked is partly personal preference, in terms of case and stuff.
Kevin: You knew that this film was going to cause some waves. So, one, how did you prepare for it? Two, what kind of feedback have you gotten from people who were not happy?
Mike: I actually did not prepare very much for it. What I did was try and make it as credible as I can and close the loop on all the arguments. To make it as tight as possible. I'll tell you a story. I don't know if Brian Clement wants me to tell this or not, he was interviewed in the film, but he and his wife watched it for seven h ours, seven hours looking for a loophole. They were primarily looking at some angle conventional doctors could use to attack me and they couldn't find it. So my approach was just make it as tight as possible and as credible as possible. As a result of that, I haven't had much negative feedback except that people don't want to talk to me.
I have been on KPFK, they are a nonprofit, local station here in L.A. I've been on there and they were very receptive and so was the audience. I mean, people are hungry for this new. But getting it out there is very, very difficult.
People will say, "Oh, my gosh. You should be on major news shows," and stuff like that. And I say, "Well, have you looked at the sponsors of those news shows? They'll never have me on." You know, you've got meat and dairy and drugs and I'm preaching against all of those. So, it's difficult to get it out, but word of mouth is extraordinarily strong; it's pushing this whole thing. And than ks to shows like your and others, more and more people are getting on the bandwagon.
I was at the Raw Spirit Festival in Sedona this weekend and I had a lady and her husband come out, specifically to see me. They flew out from Tampa. And it was because they saw "Healing Cancer" a month ago. Her father started off with colon cancer, it spread to his liver, now it's in his lungs. He's had one round of chemo; he couldn't take it anymore. So they were looking for something. They put him on the diet and within a month all of his cancer markers had dropped dramatically. They were just thrilled by the whole thing. They wanted to fly out and just thank me because of it.
The strange thing is most people they have it in their mind that cancer is this dreaded disease that kills people. Well, you know, cardio vascular disease kills over twice as many people a cancer, that's a pretty scary disease. But people have it in their minds that cancer is more scary, but it's not. It can be controlled through food. People have this idea that, well, gee, cancer's a dangerous disease you need strong medicine. You need something that will make people's hair fall out and make them throw up all day for days on end and make them just sick. That's strong medicine. You need just the opposite. You need something that's going to build up the body. People, if they'll get off this toxic diet they're on and get on a good diet, they'll see miraculous things happening. Not just with cancer, but the whole body will be healing.
Kevin: Let's talk a little bit about the Rave diet. There's a lot of people who are on this call who don't know what that is. So, let's give a little bit of information on that and...
Mike: OK. I wrote the book primarily because people were asking me for something to accompany the "Eating" DVD. Because after they see the "Eating" DVD, they'll say, "OK, I'm ready to change my diet, but what do I do?" And even though I list, at the end of the film, all kinds of books, and on the website even more, they wanted something from me. So, I put it together primarily as a very short, it reads very easily, very short guide, if you will, to how to change to this diet.
I have a transitional diet, too, because sometimes it's difficult for people to go on the full Rave diet. So I have an easier transitional diet so they can evolve into it. One guy, for example, it was too much for him because he had been eating processed foods all of his life and he had horrendous gas because of all the fiber. So I tell people, "Ease up on it. You can go slowly," you know, unless you have some terrible disease you're fighting. But what it stands for, Rave is an acronym, it means no refined foods. The A is no animal foods, the V, which gets me in trouble with most people all the time, means no vegetable oils; the E means no exceptions and exercise. There are a number of sub-rules wit hin that. It's not just that acronym alone. Like, eat at least half of your food uncooked type of thing. Also ingredients lists, it's got a whole explanation of how to read ingredient lists and so forth. But it's done very well.
Kevin: No oil. Let's talk about that.
Mike: OK. I got this primarily, started out if you look at Ornish, Essylstyn, Furman, a lot of doctors who actually reversed heart disease and have studies to prove it; they all specifically exclude vegetable oils. There are clinical studies, it tears up the arteries. Essylstyn says it's as good for your arteries as roast beef. If you look at nutrient scales, the key to a good diet is getting the maximum amount of nutrients per calorie that you can. If you look at vegetable oils, they have the lowest nutrient value of any food on the planet. It's all fat, very few nutrient values per calorie on it.
It's a refined food, on top of it; the molecules in vegetable o ils are unstable. They produce free radicals. It's a promoter of some cancers, particularly skin cancers, and on and on and on. So, I just say there are substitutes for it. If you're cooking and you want to brown potatoes or something, use applesauce or apple juice or vegetable broth or something. You have to cook it slower, but it browns just as good. So, that's the schtook on vegetable oils. I'm telling people in the beginning with this, "Hey, you get on this you can reverse your heart disease." I'm not going to go against all the doctors who have proven successfully
through tests that you can reverse heart disease. They all exclude the vegetable oils.
Kevin: Yeah, I think it makes sense to follow the research of people that you have mentioned, like Furman and Essylstyn and these guys, instead of recreating the wheel on a theory.
Mike: Right, right. I have to follow; these guys are my heroes. I can't challenge them and I want t o, if someone comes out with a study of heart disease reversal which specifically includes vegetable oils, then I'll take a second look at it, as will they. But so far that hasn't happened.
Kevin: Who do you think you've learned the most from?
Mike: Geez, I don't know. That's hard. Everyone's saying the same thing, essentially, in different ways and they're doing their own thing. In the beginning, there were John Robbins, the emotional aspect of it, environmental, in particular. He was huge. McDougall, he was huge, too. He was giving all this reinforcement to the health. Then, of course, Fuhrman and Ornish and a number of others, Esselston. I would say probably McDougall and, in the very beginning, McDougall and John Robbins.
Kevin: Great. You mentioned global warming, again, and I think we should probably talk about that because it was an added portion of the film, "Eating." What are some of the implications of the way we eat, as related to global warming and the environment?
Mike: It's methane, that's the major thing that's been overlooked. I'm no expert in it, but what I did was summarize what the experts have said. It's hard for people to visualize this, but there are hundreds of millions of cows, and other livestock out there, that emit methane, both through the mouths and their rear ends. It goes into the atmosphere and methane is a powerful heat-trapper, much more powerful than carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide will stay in the atmosphere much longer, but methane really traps heat. Studies have shown that, in fact, methane has caused nearly half of the global warming to-date. The number one source of methane is the animals we raise and eventually eat. So, the good thing about methane is that it only stays in the atmosphere for eight years. If people would cut back on their consumption of animal products, you could recycle out very quickly. There cou ld be a more immediate impact on global warming, on cooling. That's not going to happen, but, say, everyone in the world cut back 1/3 of their meat consumption and reduced the livestock accordingly. That could have a major impact on global warming, and quite soon. Whereas carbon dioxide that stays in the atmosphere for so long. It's not going to have such an immediate impact on it and that's what we need is an immediate impact, because we're right there, as they call the tipping point.
The Kushi Macro Diet: Introducing the Wonders of Macrobiotics
If one is a big fan of Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow or pop icon Madonna or would consider the credibility of these two celebrities who also happens to be friends in real life, then one might go on for this Japanese diet as the two did before.
The Kushi Macro Diet was conceptualized by Michio Kushi, author of "The Macrobiotic Way". In the 1950s, Mr. Kushi and his wife opened a restaurant in New York City where the couple introduced macrobiotics through the meals they offer.
Foods have various effects on the body of people, and on these effects that macrobiotics concentrates. The Kushi Macro Diet proposes that people would eat the following foods:
- vegetables (20-30%)
- fish (white-meat fish only and some shellfish as well)
- beans and sea vegetables (the kinds that are being used as sushi wrappers—both 5-10%)
- whole grains (60%)
- soy < p>
- nuts
- soups (5-10%)
- amasake (a kind delicious milk drink made out of brown rice)
- dairy products (butter, cow's milk, margarine)
- refined grain cereals
- meat
- poultry
- asparagus
- spinach
- eggplant
- refined sugar
- curry spice
- commercial soy sauce
- pepper (red and green)
In cooking foods, sesame oil and corn oil (preferably unrefined) are recommended).
Two foods that it doesn't advise people to have since according to Mr. Kushi will not promote good health are:
Also excluded form the diet are foods containing or made out of
The Kushi Macro Diet primarily about balancing foods which is what macrobiotics is all about. There will be a meal plan t hat'll be spread on a period of seven consecutive days. Three meals in a day and there would be like 2,126 calories in one sample meal for a day (the good news is that snacks are allowed!).
There studies conducted in the past concerning how macrobiotics could be of grate help in lowering cholesterol level and blood pressure and even assisting in the treatment of cancer. Yes, that Big C. So, for those who are ready to take on this diet, then there are other important things you need to know at Diet Fads.
The Advantages of Slow Dieting
There is a certain mentality that says fast improvement is best for health situations. This conclusion doesn't necessarily stand up. Let's take the example of weight loss.
I just saw an ad that said, "Take off 21 pounds in 30 days." What do you think of that? Should one take off twenty pounds in a month? Wouldn't most of us opt for this fast route? Get it over. Look good, feel good and regain health all in just 30 days!
Have you known anyone who did that? And if you have, how did they seem four months later? There's the rub - fast loss leads to fast gain.
Check out some celebrities who've promoted the latest diets. Skinny one month and balloons a few months later.
Ask yourself how come there are hundreds and hundreds of diets floating around. Many of these diets call for entirely different foods. One is high on protein. Another is high on carbohydrates. This or that diet. Cabbage soup diet. Grapefruit diet. Macrobiotic diet. On and on.
Th e major reasons that most of these diets don't work long term are,
1. Not all bodies are the same. What's beneficial for one person may not be so for another.
2. Most diets do not contain what you want to eat. You can't wait to lose that twenty pounds so you can go back to eating what you enjoy.
3. Most diets are not healthy, so you end up malnourished while on them. Bodies are incredibly complex with millions of biochemical reactions occurring within them. These reactions require a wide variety of foods to supply all the factors necessary to run successfully.
4. During a fast weight loss diet, your body adjusts to ride out being starved, then when you finally begin feeding it normally again, it packs on the weight in anticipation of future starvation.
Fast weight loss diets work against health for the above reasons. So if we don't take the fast route, what road do we travel? You guessed it - lay back and cruise the two lane highways. Take that extra two days to get to LA.
This particularly holds true with high blood pressure diets where slow dieting is wise dieting, being effective in producing normal blood pressure.
Nevertheless, the slow method has its downside: No one will admire your suddenly shapely figure. You can't decide to go on a diet in June for your beach trip in July. After three months, your best friend will still urge you to join her or him on the latest fad diet sweeping the country. You won't be able to brag. People won't be able to admire the suddenly slender you.
Still when you step on the bathroom scale and see that you have lost two tenths of a pound five weeks in a row, you will smile with self assured confidence that you are controlling your future health. You will know where you are going. You will drive the car to L A.
When you get to LA, you will have permanently changed your diet and your health. You will live longer.
The slow diet is not a canned "miracle" diet. To do it requires persistence and knowledge because only you can make it work.
Too much weight is unhealthy. It leads to various illnesses that usually begin unnoticed in middle age. Sudden weight loss is unhealthy, too. It shocks the body. The body doesn't like that and tries to defeat you.
So, let's not obsess on weight loss. Relax, educate yourself, and take the slow road to health.
Discovering diets that work and ignoring those that never will
The First Step: Filtering The Noise.
With the vast amount of dieting information becoming available month by month online and in the media, discovering diets that work and choosing the best diet for your health & well-being is a seriously daunting exercise indeed.
It comes as no shock that there are such a number of diet and well-being options in the marketplace; As consumers we spend about $55 billion on fat loss, health and dieting every year.
Unfortunately for the inexperienced dieter, this is just where the confusion sets in, with marketing much of the time succeeding over real-world results. This can create a very difficult situation for dieters before they even begin.
Hopefully I can clear up the diet myths and assist you on the right track to choosing the actual diets that work.
Hype diets (commonly known as fad diets) can be very recognizable and in my professional opinion as a health a nd nutrition adviser should be avoided.
Diets that exhibit fad traits normally begin their rise to popularity from either self proclaimed diet "gurus" or high profile celebrities leaking a diet discovery that has seen them substantially reduce body size, become very much healthier, or easily lose massive amounts of weight in a very short space of time. You of course will have heard of these kinds of diets in droves, usually published in regular gossip magazines and often being praised on television talk shows - sometimes making broadcast news.
As a health professional who is well versed in the nutrition and diet industry, I'm going to expose to you Hollywood's well kept dieting secret and explain why the initial step in choosing the diets that work is to avoid the hype!
In my experience as a practicing nutrition and health consultant providing services to a lot of household names, I have experienced first hand the great amount of individual and team work carried out in successful A-List health and dieting. - Not to forget the thousands of dollars stars are happy to put towards the experts to make sure it's working right from day one.
More often than not when a high profile person is undertaking their diet in preparation for a major movie role or awards event, they'll take the advice of professionals, are hand-held through tailored and time-proven diet programs (the diets that work), and will of course pay a lofty price for the guidance!
Enter the marketeers....
The quick fix diets that celebrities then lay claim to after achieving 'outstanding' results are time and time again nothing more than big dollar deals and face-to-product arrangements created by management companies and advertising giants. The next thing you know, a brand new fashion diet is given all the credit and announced as the 'last diet you'll ever need'.
just like many may have b een a bit disbelieving that top model Rachel Hunter was actually happy to use supermarket grade shampoo every day in the 90's, I can tell you that quick-fix and fad diets are not what are responsible for causing celebrities to look extraordinary in magazines and on the red carpet!
Now that we can recognize and steer clear of the diets that hardly ever work, how do we go about finding those that will? The next part in this article will show us the time-tested diets that work and deciding on the ones that can work for you
Is Dieting Right for You?
Dieting is the practice of ingesting food in a regulated fashion to achieve or maintain a controlled weight. In many cases, the ultimate goal of women who wants to go on a diet is to lose weight. Diets can generally promote weight loss and they are divided in many categories like low fat, low carbohydrate, low calorie, and very low calorie.
Women normally watch their food intake and healthy habits, but more than a third of the women's population is already overweight, and the importance of getting fit and healthy is getting critical. One way to get fit is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and diet. But with all the diets, exercise crazes, and other activities out there, it is very difficult to find the perfect diet to utilize. No exact diet will work for everyone. You need to find the diet that fits your personality and needs. What you need to do is just choose a diet that you know can be a big part of your lifestyle. Do not trust diets that promise fast weight lo ss without any effort and do not trust diets that promise results without exercise and changes in your eating behavior.
Your Lifestyle and the Diet Options
The diet that suits you most is the one that suits your lifestyle. If you are sedentary, you should select the diet that put an emphasis on exercise. If you are constantly craving sweets, try the Carbohydrate Addict diet. If you are into body building, you can try the Targeted Ketogenic Diet or the Cycling Ketogenic Diet. If you have a blood sugar problem and any other cholesterol problem, try the Dr. Atkins diet. There are many types of diets out there and you should choose the one that will be most convenient to you.
Choosing the Diet
When it comes to choosing the right diet, there are some simple reminders and tips that you should follow.
* Try the Metabolic Typing Diet if you are unsure whether you should choose the diet that is lower or higher in carbohydrate s.
* If you are looking for a low fat diet that is predominantly vegetarian, choose the Macrobiotic Diet. This diet can prevent hormonal related cancer like breast cancer.
* If you are having problems with your digestion, sinuses, and breathing, you should do the detox diet. You will feel a lot healthier, and you can experience the juice fasting method.
* Choose a low carbohydrate diet if you have blood sugar problems. The Zone diet is a low carb diet that includes essential fatty acids and plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.
* Try the Alkaline Diet if you feel uncomfortable on high protein diet. This will help in counterbalancing the effects of diets will lots of protein, caffeine, sugar, processed and junk foods and grains.
* If you have a liking for Indian food, try the Ayurvedic diet.
* If you have any food allergies and sensitivities, a simple three-week elimination and challenge diet will help you identify all of them.
* If you have irritable bowel movement syndrome or any inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, or any small intestine bacterial overgrowth, you can try the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.
The Latest FAD Diets
The Latest Dieting Trends
It seems like every time you turn on the television they're talking about the latest diet trend and newest scientific study that proves this or that helps you lose weight the most effectively. Then six months later you're learning the diet is actually harmful and the newest diet is the way go because it's the complete opposite. If the first diet tells you carbohydrates are evil and you should eat all protein the next diet will tell you carbs are good and too much protein is bad. It seems like you can never win. But not all diets are bad, in fact there are some really good health and fitness plans out there. Here are the latest dieting trends, whether or not they work for you is debatable because what works for one person may never work for another simply because of body chemistry. So the only way to know for sure if a diet will work is to try it.
The Biggest Loser Diet
Inspired by the hit television show whic h pits people against one another to lose the most weight in hopes of winning a huge cash prize, this diet focuses on daily meal plans, grocery shopping lists, fitness programs and keeping a journal to track your progress and keep you motivated. While at home you may not be competing to win a cash prize you can set your own goals and thus create a prize for yourself if you reach such and such a goal.
Macrobiotic Diet
This focuses on a simple meal plan system that consists only of organic foods such as whole grown oats, wheat, and fresh vegetables and fruit. According to the macrobiotic diet you are to avoid all processed food and within five days you can lose an average of five pounds as well as lower your cholesterol. The macrobiotic diet also claims to prevent and treat over two hundred illnesses and conditions. This is because of the natural products that promote natural healing and overall health from the inside out.
The Nutrisystem Diet
The Nutrisystem diet is just like that of the Weight Watchers, South Beach and Atkins type diets that focus on a certain percentage of daily intake coming from specified food groups. All these diets all have a line of products they promote and sell which are supposed to conform to these standards and make weight loss more effective and efficient. The problem with a lot of these is that the distribution of calories, fat and such don't work for all body types. They are also quite expensive and hard to keep up with when out in the real world. The Nutrisystem diet focuses on a reduced calorie diet consisting of 60% carbs, 20% protein and 20% fat.
The Primal Diet
The primal diet is a diet that I actually agree with and do myself. The basis for the diet is that you should eat like a caveman from 10,000 years ago. All of the newer man made foods are contributing to our obesity and health problems.
Focus on lean meats like ch icken, fish, pork and steak. Also you should lots of fruits and vegetables. Basically if it doesnt come from an animal or the ground, don't eat it. Also stay away from all foods that are processed.
Celebrity Diet Secrets
It seems that when it comes to dieting, everyone boasts that they have a secret to tell on how they diet, exercise or shape the body they have today. Since celebrities are some of the most visible characters throughout the world, many individuals tend to listen to what they say and try to follow their every move. If a celebrity endorses a weight loss product or new diet, chances are that many will flock to purchase the product or begin the new "fad" diet. Just take a look at what Anna Nicole Smith did for the weight-loss product, Trimspa.
Sometimes following celebrity diet advice is just like any other diet or exercise plan: some things work better for others, while other do not. Just because your favorite actress or singer claims to have lost weight by doing x,y,z; does not mean you will automatically do the same. Just keep in mind that when following the words of a celebrity; they are just like you, only they may have more money and recognition than you. They are not superheroes of weight loss.
If you are still curious as to what the celebrities are doing to lose weight, check out some of the information below:
Gwyneth Paltrow (Actress: A Perfect Murder and Shallow Hal) Before giving birth to her daughter, Paltrow followed a strict macrobiotic diet plan. This means she did not eat any meat, eggs, dairy and caffeine. Since the baby, she has discontinued her strict ways and tries to eat as organically as possible. She refrains from eating candy and stays away from any over-manufactured foods.
Alicia Silverstone (Actress: Clueless, Crush) She follows a vegan diet.
Joan Lunden (News Personality) Eats lots of fruit.
Jennifer Aniston (Actress: Friends, The Good Girl) Follows the Zone diet.
Diane Sawyer (News Personality) Sawyer follows the Cabbage Soup Diet.
Jennifer Lopez (Actress: Anaconda, Selena, The Wedding Planner) She prefers to eat eight mini-meals per day.
Claudia Schiff er (Supermodel) Schiffer follows a three-meals-a-day plan. She doesn't believe in dieting because she says it negatively affects a person's metabolism. She prefers eating lots of fruit for breakfast, saying they cleanse the body. She tries not to snack in-between meals and prefers organic foods. She also likes to sip green tea.
Patricia Heaton (Actress: Everybody Loves Raymond) Patricia prefers to eat a lot of dairy. Melanie Griffith (Actress: Working Girl) Melanie Griffith like to drink smoothies.
Demi Moore (Actress: G.I. Jane, Ghost, Stripetease) Demi Moore tends to eat tons of protein.
Nia Peeples (Actress, Singer: Walker, Texas Ranger) She likes to stay away from proteins. Kelly Preston (Actress: She likes to eat a lot of oatmeal and bagels.
Portia de Rossi (Actress: Ally McBeal, Arrested Development) Portia prefers cardiovascular activities, especially horseback riding and swimming. Ali Landry (Actress: Eve) Suggests the usage of the worko ut tape, The Firm. She boasts that it lifted her butt, tightened the backs of her legs and helped sculpt a longer, leaner look to them.
Drew Barrymore (Actress: 50 First Dates, E.T., The Wedding Singer) Drew used to be a strict vegetarian, but now prefers to eat three sensible meals per day. She usually sticks to organic fruit and vegetables. When she wants something sweet, she drinks Diet Coke or has low-fat jelly.
Melinda Clarke (Actress, The O.C.) r Melinda recommends Pilates.
Eva Pigford (Model, America's Next top Model) Does crunches every day.
Lori Loughlin (Actress, Full House, Summerland) Has found success by using The Zone diet. It helps her to avoid certain cravings for sweets.
Choosing Right Diet Plan for Weight Loss
In this modern time, people are very conscious for their health, looks and overall appearance. Everyone wants to get rid of fat, overweight and plump body. To achieve a perfect body or figure, people blindly follow fitness programs, diet plans and other fat-treatments. Unfortunately, most of the people end up into wrong paths and don't find any improvement after spending loads of money and time. Hence, choosing a right diet plan is very necessary for overall personality development.
Which Diet Plan suits to me?
Everyone is aware of this fact that better health can not be achieved without following a right diet. There are lots of diet plans like south beach diet, zone diet, Mediterranean diet and many more that are especially planned according to different dietary needs and objectives. But it is quite difficult to make out which one of these numerous plans is meant for you. Below are some points that will guide you in choosing the best diet for yourself:
- Choose a plan that you can follow - Most of the people opt for the plans that are not feasible for them to continue or follow regularly. You should keep several factors in mind including diet scheduling, time availability, lifestyles, job timings and other things. Going for impossible plans is just waste of time and money.
- Plan that fits to your aims and objectives - If you have already decided the duration of the course, targets and other things, then you must keenly choose your diet plans. There are several plans that are figured especially keeping time-durations and targets in mind.
- Diet that suits you - Nutrition is one of the main factors that are to be considered while selecting a diet. Calories, carbohydrates and so on, get eve rything scaled and according to your requirements.
- Long-Term Benefits - You want to loose weight permanently, hence go for the plan that makes your body healthier for longer times.
- Don't forget size of your pocket - Budget is one of the main aspects while choosing the diet plans. It is not necessary that high charging, boasting and glossy looking fitness centers can only provide you the best.
Hopefully above tips can assist you finding the best ones for your health!
8 Celebrity Diet And Fitness Secrets
Celebrities always look fabulous. Whether appearing in television or films or strutting down the red carpet during movie premiers and awards, they never cease to fascinate us with their larger than life presence. The truth is, it takes a lot of effort to look the way they do, and since the fans are their paycheck, they cannot afford to slack off when it comes to taking care of their physical appearances. Their livelihood largely depends on how they look. Aside from the clothes, the hair and the makeup, celebrities have to take good care of their bodies.
So it is no surprise that these stars have their own secrets when it comes to workouts, staying fit and looking gorgeous. Their health agenda can range from extreme workouts to well-planned meals. Who doesn't want to know their secrets in staying absolutely sexy? Here are some of the diet secrets of seven women celebrities.
1. Jennifer Aniston
The star of the phenomenal television show Friend s not only mesmerized audiences with her adorable comic sense and her famous hairstyle, she was also known for having one of the sexiest bodies in Hollywood, as she appeared in countless magazine covers. To stay trim, Jennifer follows the 40:30:30 diet method. The diet consists of:
40% Low glycemic index carbohydrates
-Foods such as beans, fruits and vegetables, legume
30% lean proteins
-Tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, beef and low fat dairy products
30% essential fats
-nuts and seeds, fish and olive oils
(you can get a list of these foods in my book coming soon....)
It is essential that every meal should contain the proper balance of macronutrients to for a healthy lifestyle.
2. Kate Hudson
The gorgeous daughter of actress Goldie Hawn gained 60 pounds during her pregnancy, which she needed to shed quickly before commencing on her next film. From her previous eating plan, she switched to a higher protein diet. She consumed high protein meals in smaller portions, and she combined this diet with a workout program that includes weight training and cardiovascular workouts. After getting a lot of flak because of her post-pregnancy figure, Kate removed all that baby weight in only four months and has gained abdominal muscles that gained the envy of many in Hollywood.
3. Oprah Winfrey
As one of the most successful talk-show hosts in the world, there is no question that Oprah needs to maintain her physical appearance for her millions of audiences. Known as one of those celebrities who are constantly battling weight gain, she has recently toned up her figure and has never looked figure in age 50 by combining a regular workout regime and diet plan. Oprah works out five days a week, spending 30 minutes on the treadmill and doing free weights. Her eating plan consists of legumes, fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables, chicken and dairy products that a re low-fat. She limits her consumption of white sugar and flour. Oprah also credits her trim figure to her habit of not eating anything after seven in the evening.
4. Gwyneth Paltrow
A lot of people may find it hard to believe that the perpetually slim Academy award-winning actress actually needs to diet. Not the diet in the traditional sense (such as starving for to obtain a certain weight for a special weekend) but Gwyneth actually follows a healthy eating plan that resembles Oprah's, avoiding sugar and white flour. She usually follows a macrobiotic diet, eating foods like vegetables, brown rice, and lean meat. She also eliminated dairy from her diet, and does a yoga workout everyday.
5. Madonna
The pop star known as the Material Girl has always flaunted a body that is to die for, and has become a true fitness paragon over the years. She keeps herself in tip-top shape by having Ashtanga Yoga workout, and follows a strict diet that most ly shuns junk foods. She adopted a macrobiotic eating plan that includes organic foods rich in lean protein.
6. Claudia Schiffer
The bodacious German supermodel eats salad and steamed vegetables for dinner and eats only fruits before the afternoon. While on locations, she prefers to eat black grapes and drinks tomato juice and herbal tea.
7. Christie Brinkley
Long-time supermodel maintains her all-American good looks by being a vegetarian. She does not keep junk foods of any kind inside her home to make sure that she does not eat them when cravings occur. She snacks on sweet potatoes in place of candy bars, and she adopts a liquid juice diet when she needs to slim down fast.
8. Gabrielle Reese
The tall and sexy volleyball star did get plenty of exercise at her old job. However, now a days Gabrielle stays fit using a simple technique that many of us are familiar with....invented in the early parts the twentieth century by Joe Pilates. Gabrielle uses Winsor Pilates workout at home to keep her athletic shape. This is pretty profound when you think about it because she used to be in a highly active lifestyle for a long time, and yet she is able to keep her lean physique with a home workout course with a few simple DVDs and nothing more than a yoga mat.
Celebrities are just like ordinary people. They need to maintain their figures just like anyone else, and there is more pressure on their part since they are constantly in the public eye. Ordinary folks can have celebrity-like bodies, too, and by following certain diet and fitness plans, they can also look like red-carpet worthy.
7 Diet Secrets of the Stars
Celebrities always look fabulous. Whether appearing in television or films or strutting down the red carpet during movie premiers and awards, they never cease to fascinate us with their larger than life presence. The truth is, it takes a lot of effort to look the way they do, and being the public figures that they are, they cannot afford to slack off when it comes to taking care of their physical appearances. Their livelihood largely depends on how they look. Aside from the clothes, the hair and the makeup, celebrities have to take good care of their bodies.
So it is no surprise that these stars have their own secrets when it comes to staying fit and gorgeous. Their health agenda can range from extreme workouts to well-planned meals. Who doesn't want to know their secrets in staying absolutely sexy? Here are some of the diet secrets of seven women celebrities.
1. Jennifer Aniston
The star of the phenomenal television show Friends not only me smerized audiences with her adorable comic sense and her famous hairstyle, she was also known for having one of the sexiest bodies in Hollywood, as she appeared in countless magazine covers. To stay trim, Jennifer follows the 40:30:30 diet method. The diet consists of:
40% Low glycemic carbohydrates
-Foods such as beans, fruits and vegetables, legumes
30% lean proteins
-Tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, beef and low fat dairy products
30% essential fats
-nuts and seeds, fish and olive oils
It is essential that every meal should contain macronutrients to attain the balance of hormones and maximum weight loss.
2. Kate Hudson
The gorgeous daughter of actress Goldie Hawn gained 60 pounds during her pregnancy, which she needed to shed quickly before commencing on her next film. From her previous eating plan, she switched to a higher protein diet. She consumed high protein meals in smaller portions , and she combined this diet with an exercise program that includes weight training and cardiovascular workouts. After getting a lot of flak because of her post-pregnancy figure, Kate removed all that baby weight in only four months and has gained abdominal muscles that gained the envy of many in Hollywood.
3. Oprah Winfrey
As one of the most successful talk-show hosts in the world, there is no question that Oprah needs to maintain her physical appearance for her millions of audiences. Known as one of those celebrities who are constantly battling weight gain, she has recently toned up her figure and has never looked figure in age 50 by combining a regular exercise regime and diet plan. Oprah works out five days a week, spending 30 minutes on the threadmill and doing free weights. Her eating plan consists of legumes, fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables, chicken and dairy products that are lowfat. She limits her consumption of white sugar and flour. Oprah also credits her trim figure to her habit of not eating anything after seven in the evening.
4. Gwyneth Paltrow
A lot of people may find it hard to believe that the perpetually slim Academy award-winning actress actually needs to diet. Gwyneth actually follows a healthy eating plan that resembles Oprah's, avoiding sugar and white flour. She usually follows a macrobiotic diet, eating foods like vegetables, brown rice, and lean meat. She also eliminated dairy from her diet, and does yoga everyday.
5. Madonna
The pop star known as the Material Girl has always flaunted a body that is to die for, and has become a true fitness paragon over the years. She keeps herself in tip-top shape by having Ashtanga Yoga, and follows a strict diet that mostly shuns junk foods. She adopted a macrobiotic eating plan that includes organic foods rich in lean protein.
6. Claudia Schiffer
The bodacious German supermodel eats salad and steamed vege tables for dinner and eats only fruits before the afternoon. While on locations, she prefers to eat black grapes and drinks tomato juice and herbal tea.
7. Christie Brinkley
Long-time supermodel maintains her all-American good looks by being a vegetarian. She does not keep junk foods of any kind inside her home to make sure that she does not eat them when cravings occur. She snacks on sweet potatoes in place of candy bars, and she adopts a liquid juice diet when she needs to slim down fast.
Celebrities are just like ordinary people. They need to maintain their figures just like anyone else, and there is more pressure on their part since they are constantly in the public eye. Ordinary folks can have celebrity-like bodies, too, and by following these diet and fitness plans, they can also look like red-carpet worthy.
The Seven Diet Secrets To The Stars
Celebrities forever look wonderful. Whether appearing in television or films or strutting down the red carpet during movie premiers and awards, they never determine to fascinate us with their superior to life specter. The accuracy is, it takes a lot of force to look the way they do, and being the civic numbers that they are, they cannot provide to dull off when it comes to take mind of their real appearances. Their livelihood basically depends on how they look. Aside from the clothes, the tresses and the structure, celebrities have to take good burden of their bodies.
So it is no astound that these stars have their own secrets when it comes to stay fit and gorgeous. Their strength agenda could variety from ultimate workouts to well-planned meals. Who doesn't want to know their secrets in staying absolutely sexy? Here are some of the diet secrets of seven women celebrities.
The star of the phenomenal television show Friends not only mesmerized audience s with her adorable comic intuit and her infamous hairstyle, she was also known for having one of the sexiest bodies in Hollywood, as she appeared in countless magazine covers. To continue shear, Jennifer follows the 40:30:30 diet mode. The diet consists of 40% Low glycemic carbohydrates. Foods such as beans, fruits and vegetables, legumes. 30% slant proteins. Tofu, fish, chicken, washout, beef and low fat dairy harvest. 30% crucial fats nuts and seeds, fish and emerald oils. It is vital that every meal should control macronutrients to attain the poise of hormones and limit credence failure.
The gorgeous daughter of actor Goldie Hawn gained 60 pounds during her pregnancy, which she wanted to shed immediate before beginning on her next skin. From her preceding ingestion table, she switched to an elevated protein diet. She consumed high protein meals in slighter portions, and she combined this diet with an employ program that includes stress guidance and cardiovascu lar workouts. After getting a lot of hassle because of her send-pregnancy notable, Kate distant all that baby emphasis in only four months and has gained abdominal muscles that gained the envy of many in Hollywood.
As one of the most successful discourse-show hosts in the world, there is no issue that Oprah desires to insist her rude appearance for her millions of audiences. Knowing as one of those celebrities who are constantly battling credence secure, she has newly toned up her appear and has never looked quantity in age 50 by combining a standard task regime and diet table. Oprah mechanism out five being a week, spending 30 notes on the threadmill and burden boundless weights. Her drinking idea consists of legumes, fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables, chicken and dairy yield that are lowfat. She confines her consumption of pasty baby and flour. Oprah also credits her trim star to her addiction of not intake something after seven in the dusk.
A lot of people may find it hard to deem that the perpetually slim Academy honor-appealing actor actually wishes to diet. Gwyneth actually follows a healthy intake prepare that resembles Oprah's, avoiding baby and sallow flour. She usually follows a macrobiotic diet, eating foods like vegetables, sunburned rice, and sinewy meat. She also eliminated dairy from her diet, and does yoga everyday.
The pop star known as the Material Girl has forever flaunted a body that is to die for, and has become a proper aptness model over the being. She keeps herself in tip-top profile by having Ashtanga Yoga, and follows a harsh diet that typically shuns dump foods. She adopted a macrobiotic eating chart that includes organic foods full in bony protein.
The bodacious German supermodel eats salad and steamed vegetables for banquet and eats only fruits before the morning. While on locations, she prefers to eat blacking grapes and drinks tomato juice and herbal tea.
Long -time supermodel maintains her all-American good looks by being a vegetarian. She does not keep litter foods of any kind inside her home to make trusty that she does not eat them when cravings appear. She munchies on enjoyable potatoes in place of candy bars, and she adopts a liquid juice diet when she wishes to slim down fast.
Celebrities are just like mundane people. They penury to keep their records just like somebody also, and there more bulldoze on their part since they are constantly in the civic eye. Ordinary folks can have celebrity-like bodies, too, and by following these diet and condition procedure, they can also look like red-carpet admirable.
Understanding Macrobiotics
A facile glance at the recent newspaper or television show would tell us that indeed, we live in the time of the Diet. Bodies are no longer just bodies, but public property meant to be scrutinized for excess fat and poor skin. Diets abound, and diet programs are all promising salvation for those who can "walk the walk" and "talk the talk".
In the United Kingdom alone, a very old and yet still wildly popular diet from the United States has caught the fancy of more than 3 million Britons. Fashion trends and eating patterns are not likely to change in the coming years, so we had better brace ourselves.
But the question that begs to be asked in our hectic, modern, diet-driven times is: do we still have a healthy and beneficial relationship with food? It seems that in our haste to lose weight and "look the look", we forgot all about nutrition and eating balanced, holistic diets.
Macrobiotics is just one app roach to losing weight. There are literally thousands of diets out there just begging to be tried, but it seems that this one is the least commercialized and therefore one of the most believable. If something is too common-sense to be commercialized and marketed, then it must be examined whether it speaks the truth.
Essentially, macrobiotics is a simple avoidance of polar extremes. For example, if we can choose between red meat and lean or light meats, of course we go for the lean, light meats.
Avoidance is not really deprivation- because you always choose the lesser evil. Another example is between wheat bread and plain bread, which would you choose? If you are to examine their caloric content, then the choice would be quite easy: we drop the wheat-based bread and chomp on the flour-based one.
The approach sounds sensible and doable because it does not really require you to spend more money on food, nor does it emphasize any particular brand of food or weight loss plan.
Simply put, the macrobiotics approach emphasizes control and the importance of decision-making in what we eat. Eating lighter foods means we will end up being lighter. More fiber means we have a better excretory system and our bowel movements would be much more efficient.
On dieting
Since this approach is just one of many that you can choose from, then perhaps now would be a great time to remind ourselves that eating should primarily be a joyful activity- because there is pleasure involved.
Eating is actually pleasurable, which makes many people overdo it. Overdoing it causes problems- more problems than the human frame can actually handle.
If you really want to go into dieting, then now would be the time to evaluate the real reasons behind your weight gain. If it's genetic, then you should consult with a doctor.
But if the weight gain is linked to somethi ng deeper, something that you wouldn't want to talk about with family or your family doctor, then perhaps you should get the appropriate help for that immediately.
You never know, addressing your hidden anxieties might be the key to truly trimming your fat and getting that wonderful figure.
7 Hollywood Stars Share Diet Secrets!
Every time you see a celebrity they just seem to look perfect. It doesn't seem to matter where they appear whether it is on television, in movies or on the red carpet they never cease to amaze with their glamorous look. It takes a lot of effort to look that way and we are about to discover the diet secrets of some famous Hollywood stars.
Being public figures they must always be ready to appear in front of adoring fans. It is not just the hair and cloths that make up the appearance of a Hollywood star. Celebrities have to take especially good care of their bodies as their livelihood depends on it. So a combined program of good healthy eating along with a great exercise program are what keeps these 7 celebrities in tip top shape for their fans.
These stars have their own secrets to staying fit and looking their best and that is not a surprise. Their workoputs are sometimes well-planned or could be extreme. Who wouldn't want to know these secrets? Let's look at th ese seven women celebrities and their plan of action.
Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, Oprah Winfrey, Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Claudia Schiffer and Christie Brinkley.
These celebrities are all huge stars in their own right on both television and in movies and so are always in the spotlight. Jennifer who is the envey of everyone got her start in television on the famous show Friends. Jennifer captured the imagination of many with her hilarious acts and she always looked sexy both on the show and on many magazine covers she would appear on. Jennifer's diet consists of foods such as beans, fruits, vegetables and legumes. She gets lean proteins from Tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, beef and low fat dairy products. We all need essential fats and she gets hers from nuts, seeds, fish and olive oils. Every meal contains macronutrients attaining the balance of hormones and maximum weight loss which is essential.
Kate Hudson was in dire straights after having gained 60 po unds whennpregnant. She needed to lose it quick before the next big blockbuster. Her answer was to start a very high protein rich diet plan eating many smaller meals combined with a fitness program of exercise, weight training and cardio. She lost all that baby fat in a few short months and to top it off gained some powerful abdominal muscles that were the envy of many.
Oprah Winfrey who is known to millions around the world as a successful talk show host has always been known for waging a battle against weight gain. Oprah has had success by also like Kate Hudson combined a great exercise program with a strict diet plan. Oprah does one half hour of cardio five times a week while also combining working with weights to tone up and firm up her body. She eats healthy consuming legumes, fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables, chicken and low fat dairy products. Oprah does not eat after seven pm, avoids white sugar and flour.
Gwyneth Paltrow has people fooled into thinking she doesn't need to be on a diet because she is always so slim. Gwyneth eats healthy foods like vegetables, brown rice, lean meat and has eliminated dairy foods while following her macrobiotic diet. She combines this with yoga every day. She tries to eliminate white sugar and white four from her diet whenever possible.
The Material girl (Madonna) love to show off her gorgeous body in those music videos we all love to watch so much. She has learned a lot about fitness over time and by avoiding all junk foods and sticking to a macrobiotic eating plan with organic foods that are rich in lean protein she seems to be winning the battle of weight gain. Madonna also takes Ashtanga Yoga to keep fit and trim.
The German supermodel Claudia Schiffer eats very little during her day. She avoids anything but fruits and vegetables in the morning. She eats steamed vegetables and salad for dinner and while on location eats black grapes with tomato juice and herbal tea. Another su permodel who is a vegetarian is Christine Brinkley. You won't find any junk food in her house to avoid any mistakes happening when there might be a craving for some out of bounds foods. She likes to snack on sweet potatoes, avoiding candy and when she wants to lose weight fast she goes to a liquid diet. Celebrities are just like you and I in that they have to maintain their figure on a regular basis through hard work and dedication. They unlike us are living in a fish bowl watched by all of their adoring fans and so the pressure is on. Anybody can have a celebrity-like body and by following these diet plans combined with a great exercise plan you can be ready for the red carpet before you know it.
The Pitfalls of a Raw Food or Vegan Diet
In this article, Dr. Jameth Sheridan shares candidly on the pitfalls of a raw food or vegan diet.
Renegade Roundtable with Dr. Jameth Sheridan. Dr. Sheridan is a naturopath and nutritional consultant. He and his wife Kim co-authored "Uncooking with Jameth and Kim" and they co-own and operate Health Force Nutritional.
Kevin: So you've been at this for 23 years now. What are some of the most common pitfalls you see with a raw food or vegan diet?
Jameth: I think the number one pitfall that a raw fooder suffers from is, based on my 23 years of experience in raw food with countless tens of thousands of people, is if they're a regular person, they eat regular foods, and let's say they're ill and they go raw immediately and they get well, I actually think that is ultimately a mistake. Because I see people when they "fall off the wagon" so to speak, they fall off hard and they fall back to what they started from. So if I' m eating regular pizza and regular chicken and regular animal products, things like that, regular cookies, I fall off the wagon with raw, do things with family, I'll just go ahead and eat those and then, you know, "When I do that, and finish with my binge, then I'll just go back to being raw." And, I see a lot of people leaving raw foods or just being less healthy by going back and forth between those things. Because in raw the emphasis is so hard, and this is how I was taught too, on raw, that it forgets all the other things that are important, that make a raw food diet successful. And the number one thing that makes a raw food diet successful - all of a sudden, you are a whole food vegan.
If you become vegan, all of a sudden, if you stop eating animal products, cooked or raw - which are not good for you, you had an immense increase in your health. Your likelihood to get osteoporosis has plummeted; your likelihood to get cancer has plummeted; and as a whole foo d vegan, your likelihood to get heart disease is almost non-existent.
Now whole food meaning, you're not just eating white sugar, white flour, and hydrogenated oil - all of which are vegan, but all of which are absolutely abysmal for you. A whole food vegan would eat things like millet, amaranth, quinoa, chick peas, you know, grains, beans, legumes, fruits, vegetables - actual food, unadulterated by nature. You're also eating an organic diet, when you tend to go raw, and organic is huge. These things are just additives, and you don't just eat a whole food, organic, vegan diet, you also change completely the types of foods you're eating. For example, you don't go from eating, let's say a frozen vegan pizza, cooked, to a raw frozen vegan pizza. You change your food completely. You go from eating, let's say a frozen vegan pizza, or a regular pizza, to broccoli, and cauliflower, and fruits, and sprouts, and flaxseeds, and actual foods that are completely different t ypes of foods. So the amount of nutrients you are getting by being a raw fooder, unless you're fruitarian, is dramatically higher. You're also usually consuming more water, unless you're doing lots of dehydrated things, or lots of cacao, you're more hydrated, which is immensely beneficial. Some diets include lots of raw vegetable juice, which is tremendously beneficial. And, you are also eating a lot of your food raw, which there is a benefit to actually having things raw too, but it's just one of the many benefits.
In raw food teaching, there is often taught, usually taught, that there's two categories of food: foods that are raw, and foods that are cooked, and there is nothing in between. So if you're eating something cooked, well it might as well be cheese lasagna, rather than tofu lasagna, because in the raw food world, there's really no difference. And I've seen that information devastate peoples health, and I seen it have people leave the raw foods movemen t who would be having, let's say, 80, 90% of their health has improved, and like "Wow, I love this." And maybe 10 or 20% hasn't, or 10 or 20% may have gotten worse, for some reason, some deficiency cropped up somewhere. And, if they usually talk to the raw food leaders or look at raw food text, they say, "Well, there's a problem with you, you're cleansing, you're this, you're that, blah blah blah blah. You've got to stay raw, because all cooked food is poison." Even the, you know, sometimes even with macrobiotic diets, which the healing macrobiotic diet is an all-cooked food, vegan diet, there are many people who have overcome cancer with that. Now you can't overcome cancer on poison, and by no means am I an advocate of macrobiotics, by any stretch of the imagination, because I think macrobiotics is very depleting long term but far better than the standard American diet.
So I think it's important to be a whole food vegan at some point, and get a good basis of th at. And if raw foods is not working for some reason, don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Kevin: So some of the deficiencies that you encounter, with raw food are, maybe...
Jameth: I'm not saying they're widespread, I just want to make sure it's clear. I've met 20 plus year raw fooders who, for the most part, were following that regime, and who appear to be vibrantly healthy and they're in excellent health, and I have no interest in trying to change their diet whatsoever. I just want them to live optimally and have the creatures of the planet live optimally and the planet as well. But for those who do, there's some - there's a group of raw fooders - I don't know how to necessarily define the types yet - but it might be, people who tend to be vata, it is, in my experience, don't necessarily thrive on 100% raw foods. And it could be that there's possibly deficiencies of a type of protein, because it's not a deficiency of protein , because on raw foods, if you eat an appropriate amount of nuts and seeds - and I think you can eat way too much of those - but an appropriate amount, let's say, one handful or so, you can get tons of protein doing that. But there's some vata types, with my experience, take a long time to recover from working out, and it has a much harder time building muscle, just on nut and seed protein. And you can't really eat enough broccoli, because broccoli has, I think 20 or 30% - protein, very high. But to get that much grams of protein from broccoli, it's virtually impossible. To eat that many calories, you would actually have to juice a couple of cases of stalks of broccoli to get sufficient protein - and you would get sufficient protein in that case. But broccoli's also a cruciferous vegetable, and I love cruciferous vegetables for the liver detoxifying, for their anti-cancer benefits and they have some hormone balancing benefits too. They're phenomenal foods. But raw broccoli, or any raw cruciferous in a large quantity, is really, really hard to process. It's hard to deal with. So in cases like that, I've seen, if people move over to the legume family, it does not have to be soy beans. Soy beans are one of hundreds of different legumes. If you don't like soy beans for some reason, just don't eat them - not necessary. Lentils, chick peas, mung beans, adzuki beans, things like that. Now you can certainly do those raw, but it's ironic that one of the reasons that soy is indicted amongst the raw foods communities is because research on raw soy shows that it is very difficult to digest. It has enzyme and protein and other inhibitors in it that make it hard to deal with and hard to grow on, but that's when the soy beans are raw. Now when you sprout any legume, any legume sprouted still has a lot of these anti-nutrients in them and it's harder to digest and get everything out of a raw legume sprout. Now it's almost ironic though, when you steam those leg umes you do destroy all those enzyme inhibitors and the enzymes as well. But at least you're enzymatically neutral now. You have not cooked it, or charred it, or burned it so there's no lucocytosis raising of the white blood cell count, with steamed legumes or any steamed vegetable. For those people who don't thrive on raw, if they do that, sprouted and steamed legumes, not lightly steamed you've got to steam it the whole way. Raw is just hard to digest. Most people don't even make raw hummus anymore with raw chick peas. Have you noticed that?
Kevin: Yes.
Jameth: Because they are notoriously difficult to digest raw. I've made lots of raw chick pea in my day, lots of raw sprouted things and always the thing I used to do and still do is the stuff that's left over, a dip or pate or something, well you throw it in the dehydrator and make raw chick pea burgers and eat them the next day for dinner. I did that one time and I ate the things in the morning, the raw chick pea hummus we had the day before, a whole bunch of them, I brought them to my seminar and man, I had a hard time even being in the seminar because I had so much volume of gas, that smelled so bad and I was in so much pain that I couldn't actually socially be in the actual building. I had to walk outside.
Kevin: Wow.
Jameth: Now that was because I had a concentrated, dehydrated version. Now if you sprout chick peas, and chick peas can be hard to sprout. Sometimes they just go bad before they sprout. Now I don't mean soak. So actually sprouted chick peas that are steamed then mixed with raw tahini, no reason in any way shape or form to cook your tahini, is phenomenally digestible. Really, really awesomely digestible and to get back, if you sprout your legumes, steam them and put a little bit of flax oil on them and salt them whether it be Himalayan salt, Celtic sea salt, a little bit of gluten free tamari or m iso, some sort of good quality source of organic sodium, in my experience I have never seen that not take away someone's craving or desire for flesh. That is so much better for you nutritionally than eating a piece of flesh, raw or not. By any measurement that science has currently come up including [indecipherable] photography, it's far superior to do that than it is to eat raw flesh. So what I'm saying is rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water and being 100% raw, if you're eating an animal product because you're better off not. You're better off eating a whole food vegan cooked food like sprouted, steamed, salted, flax oil, legume that I talked about. That's my experience.